Notice of a planning application including the removal and protection of trees with a preservation order 23/00086/TPO |2/TPO/00078
Updated 4/10/2023 Plan changed - no trees to be removed
Required Tree Work
Excavating a 20m length trench - No works to trees T7 and T9 are anticipated at this stage, however, minor roots (<25mm in diameter) may need to be cut to allow excavation.
Excavating to install a manhole – Minor root pruning is expected to T58 and T59 due to the proximity of the excavation within the RPA. All root pruning will be undertaken under arboricultural supervision.
Excavation to install the main pipe and laterals close to T42 and T43 – No tree work is anticipated at this stage. Close arboricultural monitoring is to be undertaken.
Excavating a 50m length trench, approximately 16m within the RPA of T24 – Canopy raise to 5.2m to the west side of the canopy. Minor roots (<25mm in diameter) may need to be cut to allow excavation.
The application will be discussed in the Parish Council Meeting of 31st October 2023, 7pm at the Wormegay Mission Room.